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The Moon Cycle

Does it effect our pets?

The mysterious power of the Moon.

We are all aware of the moon’s gravity and the way it effects the rising and falling tides in our oceans. In ancient times planting and harvesting was following the rhythm of the moon and it is known that the lunar cycle has an impact on human reproduction, especially fertility, menstruation, and birth rate. We also know that some of us hoomans don’t sleep as well when there is a big moon or the dreams are more vivid.

But how about our pets – does the lunar cycle effect them, and if yes – how?

Let us start by a very interesting fact: According to a recent study, animal hospitals see increases in visits of up to 23% in cats and 28% in dogs over the course of the three nights of a full moon… Now, if that does not speak for itself… Let’s find out more.



The Moon phases and the effects on animals



The full moon is known to influence the psyche of animals (and hoomans) with noticeable intensity. The full moon is said to increase chaos and many vets get keep even more busy during this phase. When an animal is ‘upset’ during the full moon they tend to be more restless. Some breeds of dogs and especially wolves are known to howl during these full lunar phases, while birds become agitated and often disoriented. Cats are known to hide. So it seems indeed, that the full moon tends to effect all animal’s emotions.



For a sensitive animal, the new moon brings a time of calm and peace. It is a time to tune into nature’s vibrations-which many cats, dogs and other domestic or wild animals may do. Animals seem to naturally understand or ‘feel’ this phase and tune in easily, knowing that it is a time to chill even though this can be a challenge. Animals’ senses are often heightened.




Unlike a full moon and new moon, this phase is when an alignment of the Sun, Moon, and the Earth called perigee-syzygy occurs – meaning that the Moon is at its closest to Earth (perigee). Animals tend to be ultra sensitive during this time of a very big full moon. Like us hoomans, the power of the electromagnetic fields during a full moon phase interacts with our own magnetic field increasing the ability to sense or feel the world more vividly around us. 


WANING MOON: The Waning Moon is a time when sensitive animals will tune into their ‘sixth sense’, as this lunar phase acts like a brake. For an animal, domestic or wild, it is a time to put natural instincts and the nesting mode into action for self preservation. So if you see your dog dragging around the basket it might be just a waning moon…



WAXING MOON: Sensitive animals use the waxing time frame to rest, to heal, and to become more aware and alert to its surroundings. It is an interval to slow down. Sleeping and taking it easy (typical dog’s day) are part for the course of this moon phase. It is said that this is a period when animals become more ‘aware’.

So whether or not you believe in the moon’s powers, it is an interesting fact and you might just want to start watching out on these behaviour patterns in your cat or dog to know if it’s true…


Moon Cycles and Pet-training

If the moon cycle changes the way our pets behave – can we then use this knowledge for training and interacting? Some vets think this is a possibility and here is what we learned:



The new moon marks the beginning of a fresh, four-week cycle. It is the perfect time to be relaxed with your pet and a good time to consider on how to plan training and schooling over the next month. This is the period to set an intention of tricks you may want your dog to learn or what activities you like to do together. And since the new moon is also a period of low energy and calm, you might want to enjoy this time for cuddles and lazy movie nights with your cat or dog.your cat. And don’t feel bad for doing nothing. Sometimes doing nothing is all we need – even our pets. (as we know)




In the two weeks that follow the new moon, the moon is in its waxing phase. During this period it’s a great time to build upon any goals or intentions you have set at the new moon. If you had the idea to train your dog to do something specific or a new trick, then this is the time to start. Your dog or cat may have more energy to keep up with lessons, and it’s more likely that they respond easier and learn faster.



The full moon is often a time when emotions are heightened and there is lots of activity going on. You may even notice in the days surrounding the full moon that your dog or cat is a little jumpy or edgy. They might seem restless and agitated, and will have a lot of energy that needs to be released. This is the perfect period to get in more active exercises, such as going on a long run or hike, visit a pet-friendly beach or park to socialize or you might even try walking your kitty. Since our pets may grow more anxious, especially if kept inside, get active together as much as possible. And you might even notice that your pet is making easier progress with any new tricks that you’ve been teaching recently. It’s the full-moon magic.




Coming off of the excitement of the full moon, the moon’s waning phase is the two-week period that follows. Your schedule might slow down again, and you may want to reflect once again. If you have been training your pet, try not to introduce any new tricks or lessons at this time. Continue to practice only what you have introduced earlier this month.

"a dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself"
Josh Billings
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