We are so excited to interview the coolest – and surely FLUFFIEST cat in town – Hello Ziggy. You are such cutie…
Ziggy please tell us – does your name have any special meaning? What’s the inspiration behind it?
No inspiration at all. My litter’s letter was Z and this was the name that my meowmy liked the most, starting with Z. This answer is of no interest. 😹
When were you born? And where?
I was born in 9th of July 2017, in Portugal.
Do you remember the moment when you met mommy/daddy for the very first time? How was it?
Of course I remember. She played with me and hug me a lot. I didn’t even know what that was. 🤍
What was your first thought when you noticed that your pawrents do not have paws and do not have furry skin and a tail?
I froze for five minutes. Then I realized that love is the only thing that matters and I went to play.
Your parents are hoomans, but if they would be furry too, what kind of cat breed would they be?
Probably a British Shorthair because they are calm and quite like me.
Would they be good kitties? Or naughty?
70% good kitties, 30% naughty kitties.
What is the thing you find most strange about hoomans? And what thing you like most?
The stranger thing is when they lock inside a cabin and water runs through them. It’s so strange.
The thing I like the most is the love they give me. All the time.
Does your hooman ever annoy you?
Of course. Every time she squeezes me to kiss me or wants to cut my nails.
Describe your pawrents in 3 words.
How would you describe yourself?
What is your favourite place at home? And where do you like to sleep and take naps?
My favorite place is where my meowmy is. But I spend most of my time in the living room, in the winter and on the floor of the house during the summer. The best place for my naps is in my tent.
What does your usual diet consist of?
My diet consists of dry food rich in protein and wet food more sparingly.
What’s your favorite food/snack “guilty pleasure”?
Wet food. Almost any of them.
Is there any food or flavour that you really hate to eat?
I don’t like most dehydrated snacks. But I haven’t tried yours yet…
Do you get scared of anything?
Where do we start…
2.Take a shower
3.Closed doors
4.Leave home
Do you ever misbehave?
Nothing special. Just a few vases thrown to the floor, a fallen TV and a scratched sofa.
But it wasn’t my fault. 😼
What’s your favorite game to play with your hooman ? And do you have a favorite toy?
Run after her and after an aluminum ball she sends me.
I don’t like any toys except my colored feathers and the catnip mouse.
Have you ever been told that you look like the iconic Garfield cat character? what do you think about it?
No. The only thing I have in common with Garfield is that I like to sleep. But who doesn’t…
What does a puurfect day for you consist of?
My perfect day is when meowmy is at home. I feel safer even if I sleep for 18 hours straight.
What are your dreams for the future?
Continue to be my meowmy’s dream cat. Forever. 😻
Please… tell us something nobody knows about you.
I almost died when I was a year old.
If you could be President of the world what 3 things would you change?
If I were president, I would create laws that defend animals. In my country, there are still no fair punishments for those who commit crimes against animals.
You are our March kitty. Do you like this month? If yes, what’s your favourite thing about it?
I really like this month because the days start to get longer and I’m not so cold anymore, so I can breath better.
And now mommy/daddy (questions):
Is Ziggy your first fur baby?
Yes, he is. The cat of my dreams.
What is the one thing that makes you laugh the most about Ziggy?
When he dares me to run after him.
Is Ziggy ever been naughty?
Yes, he was. But this is the worst he did. So, he’s an angel most of the time.
Top 3 of naughtiness:
- Destroyed my potted plants
- Sent a television, five times the size of himself, to the ground
- My couch is his favorite scratching post
Are you planning on having more ‘fur kids’?
Well, I’m thinking about it but I don’t have a final decision yet.
It has to be a well thought-out decision.
If you could give advise to new cat pawrent, what would you tell them?
Having Ziggy was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made in my life. It is a love without interest. The purest there is. However, I don’t think it can be a decision on a whim. It has to be certain. But the best advice I can give you is, if you give them your best, they’ll give you their best, which is love.
What is the most challenging part about being a cat mom/dad?
The most challenging part happened when he was little. A baby cat needs extra attention, he wants to spend all its energy in one day and sometimes we don’t have that physical and mental availability. As he grew up our communication got better and now I understand what he wants (most of the time).
And what do you consider the biggest reward about being a cat parent?
The love he gives me every day far outweighs all the 💩 I have to pick up and the sleepless nights.
How many nick-names does Ziggy have?
Three, I think. Does “my sweet love” works like a nickname?
Have you ever played any prank with Ziggy?
Not that I remember.
Does Ziggy ever annoy you if you do not give him the attention he seeks?
Yes, when he’s on my lap, I know he doesn’t like if im on my phone. He wants all my attention for him.
Can you share an amazing priceless moment spent well with Ziggy, something that you would never forget?
Several have happened but when he feels me agitated or in discussion mode, he starts meowing too loudly to stop. These are inexplicable bounds. Just like every time he lays down on my lap and caresses my face with his little paw.
Thank you Ziggy. You are PURRRSOME!
Find out more about Ziggy’s adventures on Instagram @z.i.g.g.y_thecat